Freedom of Information

The Public is welcome to submit request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to the Township FOIA Coordinator. Here you will find the documents necessary for FOIA requests.

FOIA Policy

The FOIA Policy has been established to ensure that members of the public receive full and complete information requested regarding the affairs of government, while not unduly burdening Township government. The FOIA Summary summarizes the Township’s procedures in accordance with FOIA. 

  • The FOIA Cost Estimate Sheet is included to clearly identify the cost of FOIA requests. 
  • The attached copy of the Resolution Adopting FOIA Procedures and Guidelines and Summary was adopted on June 1, 2015 in order to adopt and implement the Procedures and Summary required for the Township’s FOIA requests. 
  • Within the file RESOLUTION-FOIA FEE STRUCTURE, you will find a form to complete for your FOIA request.